This course examines the interactions between the physiochemical and biotic components of lotic ecosystems. Streams and rivers provide an excellent setting to think about ecological concepts around disturbance and connectivity. We will examine how the geology of a region controls stream habitat quality and in turn the stream community (algae, macroinvertebrates, fish), in addition to nutrient cycling. These ideas will be explored through field study, data analysis, and peer reviewed literature.
- For you to acquire a fundamental understanding of physical, chemical, and biological processes of streams and rivers.
- For you to understand commonly used stream ecology field and laboratory methods
- For you to acquire the skills to conduct and analyze scientific methods and data relevant to stream and river ecology
- For you to be able to critically evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources
Week 1: Geomorphology – Mt. Princeton Trip
Week 2: Stream Biota & Nutrient Cycling
Week 3: Organic Matter Budgets & Fish – Electrofishing with CO DPW
Week 4: Celebration of Learning
Syllabus: ev311-b8-2016-syllabus-barnes